2022 2023
CLASS 1: The “Clifford Dann” Challenge Cup (dating from 1898)
The winner of Class 1 S Tingley D Green
Vintage Tractors and Ploughs
An open Class for Tractors & Ploughs, without hydraulics, as manufactured pre 1960.
CLASS 2: The “Chris Collins” Challenge Cup
The winner Class 2 T Smith T Smith
Vintage Tractors and Ploughs
An open Class for Tractors and Hydraulic Ploughs, as manufactured pre 1960.
CLASS 3: The “Moore of Brighton” Challenge Cup
The best ploughing in Class 3 A King P Curd
Ferguson TE 20 Tractor and Plough
An open Class for Ferguson TE20 Tractors and Plough.
CLASS 4: The “Harold Harvey” Memorial Cup
The winner of Class 4 I Linch C Fryer
Classic Tractors and Ploughs
An open Class for Tractors and Conventional Ploughs as manufactured from 1st January 1961 until 31st December 1976, Match Ploughs not eligible in this Class.
CLASS 5: The “Tufton Beamish” Jubilee Cup
The winner of Class 5. M Blake M Blake
Premier Mounted or Semi-Mounted Ploughs
An open Class to any Ploughman.
CLASS 6: The “Holman” Challenge Cup
The winner of Class 6. S Tingley P Baseby
Intermediate Mounted or Semi-Mounted Ploughs
Any Ploughman who has not won a first prize in Class 6 at any of our Matches during the past five years.
CLASS 8: The “John Harper” Memorial Cup
The winner of Class 8 W Tupper W Tupper
Premier Reversible Ploughs
Any Ploughman wishing to plough to the National Rules.
CLASS 9: The “Trevor Whiteman” Memorial Cup
The winner of Class 9 . T Foster T Foster
Intermediate Reversible Ploughs
Any Ploughman not wishing to plough to National Rules.
CLASS 10: The “Uridge” Challenge Cup
The winner of Class 10 . T Power L Webber
Novice Reversible
Any Ploughman as defined by Rule 8.